Selecting a city center as the destination - Page 38

2017 Mazda CX-3 Cx 3 Navigation Owners Manual

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38 Selecting a city center as the destination 

The city center is not the geometric center of the city but an arbitrary point on the 

map the creators have chosen. In cities and villages, it is usually the most important 

intersection; in larger cities, it is one of the important intersections.

1.  Select 

 after selecting 

 on the MAP screen.

2.  Select 


3.  If necessary, modify the country and city as described earlier (page 2 ). 
4.  Instead of entering the street name, select 

. This way the 

center of the displayed city becomes the destination of the route. 

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2016/03/24   17:26:16

Detailed Information for 2017 Mazda CX-3 Cx 3 Navigation Owners Manual

Lists of information found in 2017 Mazda CX-3 Cx 3 Navigation Owners Manual - Page 38

  • 3.1.
  • 1.4 Selecting a city center as the destination The city center is not the geometric center of the city but an arbitrary point on the map the creators have chosen.
  • 1. Select after selecting on the MAP screen.
  • 2. Select .
  • 3. If necessary, modify the country and city as described earlier (page 2 ).
  • 4. Instead of entering the street name, select .