COMMANDER CONTROL; tilt the Commander knob to the right; Rotate the Commander knob left or right to move up and- Page 5

2019 Mazda CX-3 Android Auto User Guide

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Android Auto™


All Android Auto™ functions can be performed using Mazda’s multi-function Commander control, which is designed to make 
interacting with Android Auto’s features and functions easy and intuitive. 

To select the Google Assistant™ microphone and activate Google 

tilt the Commander knob to the right

The middle of the Android Auto home screen is the default 
Commander knob focus area


Rotate the Commander knob left or right to move up and

through the list of available cards


With a card highlighted, 

press the Commander knob 


select it and view additional information


Press and hold the Commander knob

 to delete a card

To access additional apps and features,

 tilt the Commander 

knob rearward to select the bottom portion of the display


Rotate the Commander knob left or right to move the

 and highlight the desired icon, then 

press down

to launch


If multiple app options (e.g., Google Maps™ and Waze™)
are available for a selected icon, 

rotate the Commander

knob to highlight and select the desired app

 from the list

of available apps




U S I N G   T H E   CO M M A N D E R   K N O B   O N   T H E   H O M E   S C R E E N





Detailed Information for 2019 Mazda CX-3 Android Auto User Guide

Lists of information found in 2019 Mazda CX-3 Android Auto User Guide - Page 5

  • Rotate the Commander knob left or right to move up and down through the list of available cards • With a card highlighted, press the Commander knob to select it and view additional information • Press and hold the Commander knob to delete a card To access additional apps and features, tilt the Commander knob rearward to select the bottom portion of the display • Rotate the Commander knob left or right to move the cursor and highlight the desired icon, then press down to launch • If multiple app options (e.