3. To file a claim with BBB AUTO LINE, call 1-800-955-5100. There is no charge
for the call.
Step 3: Contact Better Business Bureau (BBB) (continued)
4. In order to file a claim with BBB AUTO LINE, you will have to provide your name
and address, the brand name and vehicle identification number (VIN) of your
vehicle, and a statement of the nature of your problem or complaint. You will also
be asked to provide: the approximate date of your acquisition of the vehicle, the
vehicle’s current mileage, the approximate date and mileage at the time any
problem(s) were first brought to the attention of MAZDA or one of our dealers, and a
statement of the relief you are seeking.
6. You are required to use BBB AUTO LINE before asserting in court any rights or
remedies conferred by California Civil Code Section 1793.22. You are also
required to use BBB AUTO LINE before exercising rights or seeking remedies created
by Title I of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, 15 U.S.C. sec. 2301 et seq. If you
choose to seek redress by pursuing rights and remedies not created by California
Civil Code Section 1793.22 or Title I of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, resort
to BBB AUTO LINE is not required by those statutes.
7. California Civil Code Section 1793.2(d) requires that, if MAZDA or its
representative is unable to repair a new motor vehicle to conform to the vehicle’s
applicable express warranty after a reasonable number of attempts, MAZDA may
be required to replace or repurchase the vehicle. California Civil Code Section
1793.22(b) creates a presumption that MAZDA has had a reasonable number of
attempts to conform the vehicle to its applicable express warranties if, within 18
months from delivery to the buyer or
18,000 miles on the vehicle’s odometer, whichever occurs first, one or more of the
following occurs:
5. BBB AUTO LINE staff may try to help resolve your dispute through mediation. If
mediation is not successful, or if you do not wish to participate in mediation, claims
within the program’s jurisdiction may be presented to an arbitrator at an informal
hearing. The arbitrator’s decision should ordinarily be issued within 40 days from the
time your complaint is filed; there may be a delay of 7 days if you did not first contact
MAZDA about your problem, or a delay of up to 30 days if the arbitrator requests
an inspection/report by an impartial technical expert or further investigation and
report by BBB AUTO LINE.