Black plate (447,1)
When you've slowed to about 5 km/h (3
mph), - - - L/100 km (- - -mpg) will be
Average fuel economy mode
This mode displays the average fuel
economy by calculating the total fuel
consumption and the total traveled
distance since purchasing the vehicle, re-
connecting the battery after disconnection,
or resetting the data. The average fuel
economy is calculated and displayed
every minute.
When this mode is selected, CONSUM
AV will be displayed.
To clear the data being displayed, press
the INFO switch for more than 1.5
After pressing the INFO switch, - - - L/
100 km (- - - mpg) will be displayed for
about 1 minute before the fuel economy is
recalculated and displayed.
Distance-to-empty mode
This mode displays the approximate
distance you can travel on the remaining
fuel based on the fuel economy.
The distance-to-empty will be calculated
and displayed every second.
When this mode is selected, REMNG will
be displayed.
Interior Comfort
Interior Equipment
CX-9_8BH2-EA-10H_Edition3 Page447
Wednesday, March 23 2011 9:32 AM
Form No.8BH2-EA-10H