4.2.5 Map Settings
You can fine-tune the appearance of the Map screen, adjust the map view
to your needs, show or suppress 3D buildings, and manage Place visibility
settings (which Places to show on the map).
Setting Item
Place Markers
Select which Places to show on the map while
navigating. Too many Places make the map
crowded, so it is a good idea to show as few as
possible. You have the following possibilities:
• Select the checkbox to show or hide the Place
• Select the name of the Place category to open
the list of its subcategories.
3D Buildings
Show or hide 3D city models, 3D artistic or block
representation of all city building data containing
actual building sizes and positions on the map.
Adjust the basic zoom and tilt levels to your
needs. Three levels are available.
Map View
When this item is selected, the map view mode
can be changed.
• “3D”: Displays things such as actual construction
sites three dimensionally on the map.
• “2D”: The map is rotated so that the direction of
travel is displayed in the upward direction.
• “2D N”: The map is displayed so that north is up
regardless of the direction of travel.