Step 3: Contact Better Business Bureau (BBB); For Vehicles in CALIFORNIA; WHEN YOU NEED TO TALK TO MAZDA- Page 9

2019 Mazda Mazda3 Hatchback Warranty Booklet

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Mazda North American Operations realizes that mutual agreement on some issues may not 
be possible. As a final step to ensure that your concerns are being fairly considered, Mazda 
North American Operations has agreed to participate in a dispute settlement program 
administered by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) system, at no cost to you the consumer.

Step 3: Contact Better Business Bureau (BBB)

BBB AUTO LINE works with consumers and the manufacturer in an attempt to reach a 
mutually acceptable resolution of any warranty related concerns. If the BBB is not able to 
facilitate a settlement they will provide an informal hearing before an arbitrator.

You are required to resort to BBB AUTO LINE before exercising rights or seeking remedies 
under the Federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, 15 U.S.C. § 2301 et seq. To the extent 
permitted by the applicable state “Lemon Law”, you are also required to resort to BBB 
AUTO  LINE  before  exercising  any  rights  or  seeking remedies under the “Lemon Law”. If you 
choose to seek remedies that are not created by the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act or the 
applicable  state  “Lemon  Law”, you are not required to first use BBB AUTO LINE.

For Vehicles in CALIFORNIA

The whole process normally takes 40 days or less. The arbitration decision is not binding on 
you or Mazda else you accept the decision. For more information about BBB AUTO LINE, 
including  current  eligibility  standards,  please  call  1-800-955-5100 or visit the BBB website at


a mediation/arbitration program administered by the Council of Better Business 
Bureaus [4200 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22203] through local Better 
Business Bureaus. BBB AUTO LINE and MAZDA  have  been  certified  by  the  Arbitration 
Certification Program of the California Department of Consumer Affairs.

Being truly committed to customer satisfaction is more than a phrase with Mazda.
We hope to satisfy every customer directly, but if there is ever a question about our decision, 
Mazda believes in providing a fast, fair and free method such as the BBB AUTO LINE to ensure 
Mazda delivers on our commitment to do the right thing for our customers!

2. If you have a problem arising under a MAZDA written warranty, we encourage you to bring 

it to our attention. If we are unable to resolve it, you may file a claim with BBB AUTO 
LINE.  Claims must be filed with BBB AUTO LINE within six (6) months after the expiration 
of the warranty.

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Detailed Information for 2019 Mazda Mazda3 Hatchback Warranty Booklet

Lists of information found in 2019 Mazda Mazda3 Hatchback Warranty Booklet - Page 9

  • 1. MAZDA NORTH AMERICAN OPERATIONS (“MAZDA”) participates in BBB AUTO LINE, a mediation/arbitration program administered by the Council of Better Business Bureaus [4200 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22203] through local Better Business Bureaus.
  • 2. If you have a problem arising under a MAZDA written warranty, we encourage you to bring it to our attention.