1-2. What You Can Do With Connected Service (Continued); Send to Car- Page 12

2020 Mazda Mazda3 Sedan Connected Vehicle Owners Manual V1

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1-2. What You Can Do With Connected Service (Continued)

Send to Car







Before getting into the vehicle, a search for information can be carried out on a destination 
where navigation guidance is required using the MyMazda APP. This can then be sent to the 
vehicle as a destination.
Multiple destinations can be sent and the destination and places along the route can be sent all 
at once. 
When the driver gets into the vehicle and starts the engine, the destination information is sent 
to the vehicle and the trip can begin immediately by setting the route on the center display.

 3-5. Using Send to Car


To use the navigation system, the SD card containing the map information needs to be 
inserted in the SD card slot.

MyMazdaApp_US.indb   10

2019/09/23   11:07:06

Detailed Information for 2020 Mazda Mazda3 Sedan Connected Vehicle Owners Manual V1

Lists of information found in 2020 Mazda Mazda3 Sedan Connected Vehicle Owners Manual V1 - Page 12

  • 2. What You Can Do With Connected Service (Continued) Send to Car $PXVHPHQWSDUN 'HDOHU 6HQGSRLQWLQIRUPDWLRQ 6HWWKHRUGHUDQGURXWH RIWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ RQWKHFHQWHUGLVSOD\ Before getting into the vehicle, a search for information can be carried out on a destination where navigation guidance is required using the MyMazda APP.
  • 5. Using Send to Car &$87,21 To use the navigation system, the SD card containing the map information needs to be inserted in the SD card slot.