Canada and Mexico
Notification can be switched on/off.
Time (months)
Displays the time or distance until maintenance is due.
Select this item to set the maintenance period.
The wrench indication/indicator light in the instrument cluster
will be illuminated when the remaining distance is less than 1,000
km or 600 mile, or the remaining number of days is less than 15
(whichever comes first).
Distance (km or mile)
Resets the time and distance to the initial values.
Once the system turns on, it needs to be reset whenever carrying
out maintenance.
Tire Rotation
Notification can be switched on/off.
Distance (km or mile)
Displays the distance until tire rotation is due.
Select this item to set the tire rotation distance.
The wrench indication/indicator light in the instrument cluster
will be illuminated when the remaining distance is less than 1,000
km or 600 mile.
Resets the remaining distance to the initial value.
Once the system turns on, it needs to be reset whenever rotating
the tires.
Oil Change
Setting Interval
Oil replacement period can be selected from the fixed setting.
The vehicle lets you know when an oil change is due by illumi‐
nating the wrench indicator light in the instrument cluster.
Distance (km or mile)
Displays the distance until the oil replacement is due.
Select this item to set the oil replacement distance.
The wrench indication/indicator light in the instrument cluster
will be illuminated when the remaining distance is less than 1,000
km or 600 mile.
Resets the remaining distance to the initial value.
Once the system turns on, it needs to be reset whenever replacing
the engine oil.
Maintenance and Care
Scheduled Maintenance
2019-6-18 9:25:17