The vehicle speed is about 65 to 140 km/h (40 to 86 mph).
The system detects white (yellow) lane lines.
The system has completed learning of the driver’s driving data.
The DAA does not operate under the following conditions.
The vehicle speed is less than about 65 km/h (40 mph).
The vehicle speed exceeds about 140 km/h (86 mph)
The vehicle is making a sharp turn.
The vehicle is changing lanes.
The system cannot detect white (yellow) lane lines.
The DAA may not operate normally under the following conditions.
White (yellow) lane lines are less visible because of dirt or fading/patchiness.
The vehicle is jolted or swayed continuously by strong winds or rough roads.
The vehicle is driven aggressively.
When making frequent lane changes.
The DAA detects driver fatigue and decreased attentiveness based on the driving data
when the vehicle is driven at about 65 to 140 km/h (40 to 86 mph) for about 20 minutes.
The driving data will be reset under the following conditions.
The vehicle is stopped for 15 minutes or longer.
The vehicle is driven at less than about 65 km/h (40 mph) for about 30 minutes.
The ignition is switched off.
After the DAA has displayed the first message encouraging rest, it does not display the
next one until 45 minutes have passed.
Driver Attention Alert (DAA)
Display (White)
When the system detects driver fatigue or
decreased attentiveness, it activates the
warning sound and displays an alert in the
multi-information display.
Canceling Driver Attention Alert
The DAA can be set to not activate.
Refer to the Settings section in the Mazda
Connect Owner's Manual.
When Driving
2020-6-18 17:31:27