1 6
1 -80 0 -252-1 1 1 2
T T Y U s e r s : 1 -888-889-2438
A s the owner of a new Buick, you are automatically enrolled in the Buick Roadside
A ssistance program, which provides roadside service for 5 years/1 0 0 ,0 0 0 miles at no
expense to you. T his value-added service is intended to provide you with peace of mind
as you drive in the city or travel the open road.
Buick’s Roadside A ssistance toll-free number is staffed by a team of technically trained
advisors who are available 2 4 hours a day, 3 6 5 days a year, to provide minor repair
information, contact a service provider or make arrangements to tow your vehicle to the
nearest Buick dealer.
R o a d s id e A s s is ta n c e a n d O n S ta r
If you have a current OnStar subscription, press the OnStar button and the vehicle will
send your current GP S location to an OnStar A dvisor who will speak to you, assess your
problem, contact Roadside A ssistance and relay your exact location so you will get the
help you need.
T he Buick Owner C enter, a complimentary service for Buick owners, is a one-stop
resource designed to enhance your Buick ownership experience. E xclusive member
benefits include online service reminders, vehicle maintenance tips, online owner manual,
special privileges and more.
Sign up today at
w w w .g m o w n e r c e n te r.c o m /b u ic k
2 0 9 5 9 4 6 9 A
C ertain restrictions, precautions and safety procedures apply to your vehicle. P lease read your Owner Manual
for complete instructions. A ll information contained herein is based on the latest information available at the time
of printing and is subject to change without notice. C opyright 2 0 1 0 General Motors. A ll rights reserved.
A lw a y s d e m a n d g e n u in e G M P a r ts