Inspecting coolant level- Page 321

2001 Mazda B3000 B Series Owners Manual

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2014 Dodge Charger SRT Owner Manual

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Inspecting coolant level

Inspect the antifreeze protection and
coolant level at least once a month, at the
beginning of the winter season and before
traveling where temperatures may drop
below freezing.

Inspect the condition and connections
of all cooling system and heater hoses.
Replace any that are swollen or deterio-

The coolant should be at full in the radia-
tor and to the appropriate level marks on
the coolant reservoir when the engine is

If coolant level is low, add enough cool-
ant to provide freezing and corrosion

protection and to bring the level to the
appropriate level marks on the coolant
reservoir when the engine is cool.

When the engine is cool, add a 50/50 mix-
ture of engine coolant and water to the
engine coolant reservoir—DO NOT
TOR. Add straight water only in an emer-
gency, but you should replace it with a
50/50 mixture of coolant and distilled
water as soon as possible.

Check the coolant level in the coolant res-
ervoir the next few times you drive the
vehicle. If necessary, add enough of a
50/50 mixture of coolant and water to
bring the liquid level to the fill line on the


Severe climate

If you drive in extremely cold climates
(less than –34


F [–36


C]), it may be nec-

essary to increase the coolant concentra-
tion above 50%. Refer to the chart on the
coolant container to ensure the coolant
concentration in your vehicle is such that
the coolant will not freeze at the tempera-
ture level in which you drive during win-
ter months. Never increase the engine
coolant concentration above 60%. If you
drive in extremely hot climates, it is
necessary to maintain the coolant con-
centration above 40%. Refer to the chart
on the coolant container to ensure the
coolant concentration in your vehicle will

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