4-wheel Anti-lock Braking; Always check the Owner’s Manual for more operating information and safety features ; Tip: Follow the same break-in- Page 9

2004 Mazda B4000 4WD Truck Mazda B Series Quick Tips

Model Year
2014 Dodge Charger SRT Owner Manual
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C L I M A T E   C O N T R O L

Always check the Owner’s Manual for more operating information and safety features 



Quick Tips


Mazda B-Series Truck

page 16
page 17



Break-in period

First 1,000 miles: Avoid heavy
repeated brake use; avoid full
throttle, rapid acceleration or 
kick-down of transmission; drive 
at varying road and engine speeds 
Do not tow a trailer for first 
500 miles 
Do not use special “break-in” oils

Tip: Follow the same break-in
period procedures with newly 
overhauled engine or when
brakes are replaced

4-wheel Anti-lock Braking
System (ABS)

ABS automatically reduces
hydraulic pressure to all four
wheels (4-wheel ABS) on the
verge of locking up

You may feel a slight pulsing 
of the brake pedal and hear a 
clicking noise, this tells you the 
ABS is functioning properly

Tips: Maintain constant 
pressure on the brake pedal
Do not pump the brakes

ABS self test

A self-diagnostic test is 
performed when the engine is
started; you may feel some 
pulsation and hear some 
noise; this is normal

Tire economy and tips

Check pressure monthly when
tires are cold
Check for unusual wear and 
overall condition, do not exceed
weight limit on tires and axles
Maintain correct front-end alignment
and tire balance; see Owner’s
Manual for rotation chart

Tire pressure

Decal on the edge of the 
driver’s door provides tire 
size and pressure information

Tire chains*

Tire chains can damage aluminum
wheels; use on steel wheels only

Tips: Use only SAE class “S”
chains, install only on rear tires;
install as tightly as possible
and retighten periodically
Never exceed 30 mph with 
tire chains

Tips: To prevent moisture
buildup, never drive with 
system off

, or


air is dried when temperature
is above 50° F
A/C compressor* is on in
defrost position

Air conditioning system* 

MAX A/C = cooling with inside 
air, air to dash only
A/C = cooling with outside air, 
air to dash only

Control positions for 
maximum defrost

Fan to maximum, temperature 
to maximum hot, air flow 
selector knob to

1. Fan control

To increase speed and flow:
Rotate knob clockwise

2. Temperature selection

Cooler/warmer = rotate 
knob counterclockwise/

3. Air flow selections

= air to dash vents, 

A/C compressor* off

OFF = system off, no air flow

= air to dash/floor vents, 

A/C compressor* on

= air to floor, 

A/C compressor* on

= air to floor and windshield, 

A/C compressor* on

= defrost, air to windshield,

A/C compressor* on








*Denotes optional equipment

† See Owner’s Manual

Detailed Information for 2004 Mazda B4000 4WD Truck Mazda B Series Quick Tips

Lists of information found in 2004 Mazda B4000 4WD Truck Mazda B Series Quick Tips - Page 9

  • 1. Fan control To increase speed and flow: Rotate knob clockwise 2.

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