Vehicle Monitor and Alert; Vehicle Health Report; Vehicle Status- Page 10

2021 Mazda CX-30 Connected Vehicle Owners Manual V1

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1-2. What You Can Do With Connected Service (Continued)

Vehicle Monitor and Alert








The status of certain features on the vehicle can be checked with the MyMazda APP.
Furthermore, the MyMazda APP is notified when conditions presumed to be user oversight, 
such as forgetting to lock the vehicle doors, are detected.

Vehicle Health Report

Vehicle maintenance related information such as engine oil or tire pressure can be checked 
using the MyMazda APP and the App can be set to notify the customer when set maintenance 
schedules are approaching. The Vehicle Health Report information can also be accessed 
by dealers or the Customer Experience Center via the Connected Service system, ensuring 
maintenance discussions are accurate.

Vehicle Status

Information such as the amount of fuel remaining can be checked using the MyMazda APP to 
properly prepare for long trips.

Vehicle Status Alert

The MyMazda APP is notified if vehicle conditions considered to be user oversight are detected, 
such as forgetting to lock the doors or forgetting to turn off the hazard warning lights. MyMazda 
APP is notified of the following items:  
Doors, hood, trunk, or liftgate left open/unlocked and hazard warning lights left turned on
Concerning the doors left unlocked and the hazard warning lights left turned on, you can use 
the Remote Control to remotely operate them.

3-3. Using Vehicle Monitor and Alert/Vehicle Status Alert

Detailed Information for 2021 Mazda CX-30 Connected Vehicle Owners Manual V1

Lists of information found in 2021 Mazda CX-30 Connected Vehicle Owners Manual V1 - Page 10

  • 2. What You Can Do With Connected Service (Continued) Vehicle Monitor and Alert 'HDOHU 9HKLFOH+HDOWK5HSRUW 9HKLFOH6WDWXV$OHU W 9HKLFOH+HDOWK5HSRUW 9HKLFOH6WDWXV ,1)250$7,21 The status of certain features on the vehicle can be checked with the MyMazda APP.

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