Mazda North American Operations’ CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE CENTER toll free ; at: (800) 222-5500- Page 31

2021 Mazda MX-5 Miata RF Warranty Booklet

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2. Owner’s Warranty Responsibilities:

3. Customer Assistance

4. Start of Warranty Period

5. Repair or Replacement by Mazda Dealer

The Mazda Dealer shall determine if the repair or replacement is covered by warranty.

6. Repair or Replacement by Dealers Other Than Mazda

As the Mazda Vehicle owner, you are responsible for the performance of the required 
maintenance listed in your Owner’s Manual. Mazda recommends that you retain all 
receipts covering maintenance on your Mazda Vehicle, but Mazda cannot deny 
warranty solely for the lack of receipts or for your failure to ensure the performance of all 
scheduled maintenance.

You are responsible for presenting your Mazda Vehicle to a Mazda Dealer as soon as a 
problem exists. The warranty repairs should be completed in a reasonable amount of 
time, not to exceed 30 days.
As the Mazda Vehicle owner, you should also be aware that Mazda may deny 
warranty coverage if your Mazda Vehicle or a part has failed due to abuse, neglect, 
improper maintenance, or unapproved modifications.

If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you 
should contact

Mazda North American Operations’ CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE CENTER toll free 
at: (800) 222-5500

or the California Air Resources Board at 9480 Telstar Avenue Suite 4, El Monte 
California 91731.

This warranty begins on the date the vehicle is delivered to the ultimate purchaser or 
on the date the vehicle is first placed in service as a demonstrator, lease or company 
car, whichever comes first.

A Mazda Dealer will repair or replace, at its option, all Warranted Parts which fail 
during the term of this warranty, and all other components which are damaged during 
the term of this warranty as a result of such failure, without charge to Owner, using 
Mazda Parts at its place of business.

Repair or replacement shall include diagnosis.
When a Warranted Part is replaced, the newly installed part is warranted for the 
remaining period of the applicable California Emission Control Warranty.

If, under this warranty a part requires repair or replacement, Owners may choose to 
have this work performed by any automotive service establishment or individual, 
rather than at a Mazda Dealer. They may also perform the work themselves using any 
replacement parts. Such service in and of itself will not invalidate this warranty.

Detailed Information for 2021 Mazda MX-5 Miata RF Warranty Booklet

Lists of information found in 2021 Mazda MX-5 Miata RF Warranty Booklet - Page 31

  • 2. Owner’s Warranty Responsibilities: 3.
  • 4. Start of Warranty Period 5.
  • 6. Repair or Replacement by Dealers Other Than Mazda As the Mazda Vehicle owner, you are responsible for the performance of the required maintenance listed in your Owner’s Manual.
  • 31. This warranty begins on the date the vehicle is delivered to the ultimate purchaser or on the date the vehicle is first placed in service as a demonstrator, lease or company car, whichever comes first.

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