To use the address book entry method:
1. Press the DEST hard key.
2. Select the
Address Book screen button.
A list of your address book addresses display.
Use the arrows on the left side of the screen
to scroll through the list.
3. Select the Go screen button next to the destination.
The map screen displays with the destination
marked displays.
4. Select the route preference (Fastest, Shortest, or
Other). The system calculates and highlights the
5. Select the Start Guidance screen button. The route
can now be started.
See “Getting Started on Your Route” later in this
section for more information.
See “Adding Destinations to the Address Book”
later in this section.
Destination Download
The Destination download lets an OnStar subscriber
ask the OnStar call center to download a destination.
OnStar will send address information and location
coordinates of the destination into the navigation system.
OnStar Download Screen