Destination Commands
Home, Go Home: The system enters the Home
destination as a waypoint or final destination, if a
home destination has been stored.
Go to Starting Point, Previous Starting Point:
The system enters the last available starting point
as a waypoint or final destination.
[Go to] Previous Destination: The system enters
the last available destination as a waypoint or final
destination, if one is available.
[Go to] Preset Destination [Number] (number):
The system goes to the preset destination number.
This preset destination can be chosen as a waypoint or a
destination. There must be a location stored in the preset
destination number that is chosen. For example, first
store a location in Preset Destination 3. Say “Go to Preset
Destination 3.” The system goes to Preset Destination 3
and prompt you to choose it as a waypoint or destination.
Add [to] Waypoint: The system adds the current
marked point as a waypoint. This command is used
after the following commands have been used: Home,
Go to Starting Point, Go to Previous Destination.
Enter Destination: The system adds the current
marked point as the final destination. This command is
used after the following commands have been used:
Home, Go to Starting Point, Go to Previous Destination.
Guidance Commands
Repeat Guidance, Repeat Voice: The system repeats
the last available voice prompt guidance command if
a destination has been set.
Louder: The system increases the volume of the
navigation voice prompts.
Softer: The system decreases the volume of the
navigation voice prompts.
Voice Guidance Off: The system turns off the
navigation voice prompts if a destination has been set.
Voice Guidance On: The system turns on the
navigation voice prompts.
[Change to] Arrow (Guide/Guidance): The system
changes to Arrow Guidance screen view in the
Guidance Menu if a destination has been set.
[Change to] Turn List (Guide/Guidance): The system
changes to Turn List Guidance screen view in the
Guidance Menu if a destination has been set.
[Change to] Freeway (Guide/Guidance): The system
changes to Freeway Guidance screen view in the
Guidance Menu if a destination has been set. This
command is only available if you are on a freeway.