Operation Manual; Automix Controls; Input Path- Page 60

Crown 137769-3 User Manual

2014 Dodge Charger SRT Owner Manual
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Operation Manual

DBC Network Bridge

page 60

Automix Controls

Starting in the 

Input Path

 window, you can open the 

Automix Controls


window (Figure 5.23) by clicking on its icon (shown above).

There are four individual Input controls:

1. Priority

Assigns a relative priority to each channel. Control range is 1 to 8, where 1 is 
the highest priority and 8 is the lowest priority.

2. Depth of Cut

Sets the ‘ducked’ mic gain. Control range is from -100 to 0 in 0.5dB steps.

3. Attack Time

Sets the time required for Priority Ducking to attenuate the mic gain by 20 dB.
Control range is from 10 milliseconds to 10 seconds in 10 millisecond steps

4. Release Time

Sets the time required for Priority Ducking to increase the mic gain by 20 dB.
Control range is from 10 milliseconds to 10 seconds in 10 millisecond steps

5. Ambience Weighting

The weighting factor used in the ambient level calculation for each input. This 
control should be set to 1 with the following two exceptions:
1. To exclude the mic from the ambient level calculation, set the weighting fac-
tor to zero.
2. To compensate for a mic in a relatively noisy location set the weighting fac-
tor to a value between zero and one. Control range is from 0 to 1 in 0.1 step 

6. Priority Ducking vs. Channel Graph

Allows you to see and adjust the gate priority of the selected input. The dB 
level adjustment is the level that input will duck down when a higher-priority 
input gate is activated. 1 is the highest priority, while 8 is the lowest.

7. Include in Automix Groups

There are 32 automix groups available. Each group would most likely repre-
sent an individual room or zone if the DBC were to be used for multiple areas.

8. Automix Matrix Button

Clicking this button opens the Automix Matrix, described on the next page.

5 Advanced Operation









Figure 5.23  Automix Controls Window

Detailed Information for Crown 137769-3 User Manual

Lists of information found in Crown 137769-3 User Manual - Page 60

  • 5.23) by clicking on its icon (shown above).
  • 1. Priority Assigns a relative priority to each channel.
  • 2. Depth of Cut Sets the ‘ducked’ mic gain.
  • 3. Attack Time Sets the time required for Priority Ducking to attenuate the mic gain by 20 dB.
  • 4. Release Time Sets the time required for Priority Ducking to increase the mic gain by 20 dB.
  • 5. Ambience Weighting The weighting factor used in the ambient level calculation for each input.
  • 1. To exclude the mic from the ambient level calculation, set the weighting fac- tor to zero.
  • 2. To compensate for a mic in a relatively noisy location set the weighting fac- tor to a value between zero and one.
  • 6. Priority Ducking vs.
  • 7. Include in Automix Groups There are 32 automix groups available.
  • 8. Automix Matrix Button Clicking this button opens the Automix Matrix, described on the next page.

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