Operation Manual; Get Started; XTi2 Series - Page 5

Crown XTI 1002 User Manual

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XTi2 Series 

Power Amplifiers

page 5

Operation Manual

Get Started

Factory Preset #3: XOVER

Putting the amplifier in 


 mode enables a 1.2kHz 4th order (24dB/octave) 

filter that sends frequencies of 1.2kHz and below to Channel 1 output and 
frequencies of 1.2kHz and above to Channel 2 output.  The XTi2 Series amplifiers 
come pre-loaded with a preset that makes it easy to configure the amplifier for 
this operation.

Before you get started ensure that you:



Connect signal source to Channel 1 


 using an XLR connector (the 

amplifier inputs will automatically be put into Y mode when selecting this 



Connector the speaker as shown.




Connect the speaker you wish to receive the low and mid frequencies (1.2kHz and below) to Channel 1 output 
using Speakon


, Banana Plugs, or bare wire.




Connect the speaker you wish to receive the high frequencies (1.2kHz and above) to Channel 2 output using Speakon


, Banana Plugs, or bare wire.

Follow these quick steps to configure the amplifier for 





Push the “Set/Enter” button and you will see the word “Preset” flashing.



Push the “Set/Enter” button again to enter the list of presets in the amplifier.



Push the “Next/Down”  or “PREV/UP” button until the screen displays “BIAMP”.



Push the “Set/Enter” button to confirm your selection.



The display will now read “BIAMP” with the Y icon and XOV icon highlighted.

LOW 1+/–

HIGH 2+/–

Factory Preset #4: BRG SUBS

Putting the amplifier in 


 (bridged subs) mode allows you to 

bridge the amplifier for use with a single 8 or 4 ohm subwoofer.  The inputs 
are automatically summed, a 90Hz 4th order (24dB/octave) LowPass filter 
is enabled, and the output mode is put into bridge-mono mode. The XTi2 
Series amplifiers come pre-loaded with a preset that makes it easy to 
configure the amplifier for this operation.

Before you get started ensure that you:



Connect signal source to Channel 1 and Channel 2 using XLR 

connectors (the amplifier inputs will automatically be summed together 
when selecting this preset).



Connector the speaker as shown.




If using the binding post outputs, connect the positive terminal of the 
speaker to the positive terminal of Channel 1 and the negative terminal of the speaker to the positive terminal of Channel 2.




If using a Speakon


 connector, connect the positive terminal of the speaker to 1+ and the negative terminal to 2+. Plug the connector into the Channel 1 output only.

Follow these quick steps to configure the amplifier for 





Push the “Set/Enter” button and you will see the word “Preset” flashing.



Push the “Set/Enter” button again to enter the list of presets in the amplifier.



Push the “Next/Down” or “PREV/UP” button until the screen displays “XOVER”.



Push the “Set/Enter” button to confirm your selection.



The display will now read “XOVER” with the Y icon and XOV icon highlighted.

Detailed Information for Crown XTI 1002 User Manual

Lists of information found in Crown XTI 1002 User Manual - Page 5

  • 1.2kHz 4th order (24dB/octave) filter that sends frequencies of 1.
  • 1.2kHz and above to Channel 2 output.
  • 1. Connect signal source to Channel 1 ONLY using an XLR connector (the amplifier inputs will automatically be put into Y mode when selecting this preset).
  • 2. Connector the speaker as shown.
  • 1.2kHz and below) to Channel 1 output using Speakon ® , Banana Plugs, or bare wire.
  • 1.2kHz and above) to Channel 2 output using Speakon ® , Banana Plugs, or bare wire.
  • 1. Push the “Set/Enter” button and you will see the word “Preset” flashing.
  • 2. Push the “Set/Enter” button again to enter the list of presets in the amplifier.
  • 3. Push the “Next/Down” or “PREV/UP” button until the screen displays “BIAMP”.
  • 4. Push the “Set/Enter” button to confirm your selection.
  • 5. The display will now read “BIAMP” with the Y icon and XOV icon highlighted.
  • 1. Connect signal source to Channel 1 and Channel 2 using XLR connectors (the amplifier inputs will automatically be summed together when selecting this preset).
  • 2. Connector the speaker as shown.
  • 2. b.
  • 1. Push the “Set/Enter” button and you will see the word “Preset” flashing.
  • 2. Push the “Set/Enter” button again to enter the list of presets in the amplifier.
  • 3. Push the “Next/Down” or “PREV/UP” button until the screen displays “XOVER”.
  • 4. Push the “Set/Enter” button to confirm your selection.
  • 5. The display will now read “XOVER” with the Y icon and XOV icon highlighted.

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