Laser Sensor; Remaining Miles; SMART CITY BRAKE SUPPORT (SCBS) SYSTEM (if equipped)- Page 13

2014 Mazda CX-5 Cx 5 Smart Start Guide

Model Year
2014 Dodge Charger SRT Owner Manual
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Smart City Brake Support


The Smart City Brake Support (SCBS) system is designed to reduce 
damage in the event of a collision by operating the brake control (SCBS) 
when the system’s laser sensor detects a vehicle ahead:

  •   When your vehicle speed is 2 to 18 mph (4 to 30 km/h).

  •  The system determines that a collision with a vehicle ahead  
    is unavoidable.

•   It may be possible to avoid a collision if the relative speed between  

your vehicle and the vehicle ahead is less than 9.3 mph (15 km/h).

•   When the driver depresses the brake pedal while the system is in the 

operation range at about 2 to 18 mph (4 to 30 km/h), the brakes are 
applied firmly and quickly to assist. (SCBS Automatic Brake is displayed 
in the Multi-information Display)

 •  SCBS automatic brake is released approximately 2 seconds after the 

vehicle comes to a stop.

Refer to your Owner’s Manual for complete details.

Laser Sensor

INFO (Type B Instrument Cluster)

Refer to Owners Manual for Type A instrument cluster.


Push INFO button on steering wheel to display the following (actual displayed 
information will vary on your vehicle):


Average MPH 


Current MPG


Average MPG


Remaining Miles


To clear Average MPH or Average MPG, push and hold INFO button when  

selected screen is displayed.



SCBS system can  
be turned off using  
DSC Off button.



Information Display

Detailed Information for 2014 Mazda CX-5 Cx 5 Smart Start Guide

Lists of information found in 2014 Mazda CX-5 Cx 5 Smart Start Guide - Page 13

  • 9.3 mph (15 km/h).
  • When your vehicle speed is 2 to 18 mph (4 to 30 km/h).
  • The system determines that a collision with a vehicle ahead is unavoidable.
  • It may be possible to avoid a collision if the relative speed between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead is less than 9.
  • When the driver depresses the brake pedal while the system is in the operation range at about 2 to 18 mph (4 to 30 km/h), the brakes are applied firmly and quickly to assist.
  • SCBS automatic brake is released approximately 2 seconds after the vehicle comes to a stop.

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