Feature Highlights
The IMS emergency flat tire repair kit included
with your Mazda is for a temporary repair
of a slightly damaged flat tire resulting from
running over nails or similar sharp objects
on the road surface. Refer to your Owner’s
Manual for complete details.
Variable Red zone
A beep sound indicates an engine over-rev
when the tachometer needle enters
striped zone. The variable red zone in the
tachometer changes according to the
temperature of engine coolant. When engine
coolant temperature is low, the engine does
not run at higher speeds, and the fuel supply
will be at a lower RPM than in the red zone.
Fuel Requirements
91 octane fuel is required. If 91 octane fuel is not available, fuel as low as 87
octane can be used temporarily for emergency purposes. Use of fuel lower than
91 octane can decrease performance, cause knocking/engine noise and can
deteriorate shift quality. Refueling the vehicle with correct octane fuel a couple
of times will restore vehicle performance and shift quality.
Red zone
In order to improve engine starting performance on restart, DO NOT
turn OFF a cold engine until one or more of the variable red zones in
tachometer have turned off. Warm the engine until the first indicator of
the variable red zone goes off.
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