Automatic Power Door Locks
The Automatic Power Door Locks can
be programmed in the following ways:
Choice 1:
All doors will automatically
lock when you shift out of PARK. They
will all automatically unlock when you
shift back into PARK.
Choice 2:
All doors will lock automati-
cally when you shift out of PARK. But
only the driver’s door will unlock when
shifting back into PARK.
Choice 3:
All doors will automatically
lock when you shift out of PARK. But
you choose no automatic unlocking fea-
Choice 4:
You can also select no auto-
matic door lock or unlock.
See Section 2 of your Owner Manual.
Delayed Locking
(Automatic Power Door Locks)
Your doors will remain unlocked for 3 to
5 seconds after you press the door lock
button, in case you need to get right
back into your car. To lock the doors
immediately, simply press the lock
switch a second time. Refer to your
Owner Manual if you prefer to complete-
ly disable this feature.
See Section 2 of your Owner Manual.
Remote Keyless Entry Signal
(Security Feedback)
Your Remote Keyless Entry system pro-
vides a signal to tell you it’s working.
There are four signals to choose from,
and you can choose a different security
signal for lock and unlock.
Choice 1:
Headlamp flash only.
Choice 2:
Horn chirp only.
Choice 3:
Both a horn chirp and a
headlamp flash.
Choice 4:
No signal — no headlamp
flash, no horn chirp.
See Section 2 of your Owner Manual.