Short Trip/City Scheduled Maintenance
The system won’t detect dust in the oil. So if you
drive in a dusty area be sure to change your oil every
3,000 miles (5 000 km) or sooner if the CHANGE OIL
SOON light comes on. Remember to reset the Oil Life
Monitor when the oil has been changed. For more
information, see “CHANGE OIL SOON Light” in
the Index.
+ A good time to check your brakes is during tire
rotation. See “Brake System Inspection” under “Periodic
Maintenance Inspections” in Part C of this schedule.
++ If you drive in a highly corrosive environment, your
brake calipers may require additional inspection and
service, at every other tire rotation. See
“Caliper/Knuckle Maintenance Inspection” under
“Periodic Maintenance Inspections” in Part C of
this schedule.