Crown C-5 Pneumatic Tire Owner's Manual

2014 Dodge Charger SRT Owner Manual
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Be a Safe Driver 



Be a Safe Driver 


Be a Safe Driver 



• Slow down. Yield or stop for pedestrians. Use your  

  horn when you come to a crosswalk or intersection.

• Be careful that you don't pin or crush someone.  


For example: Never drive your truck toward anyone  

  standing in front of a fixed object.

• Watch out for power unit swing.

• Never allow passengers on your truck.

• Keep others away from your truck while you're    

  working. Don't ever allow anyone on or under the  

  load or forks.

• Don't let anyone use your truck unless they are trained  

  and certified.

• Never lift anyone with the forks unless they are    

  using an approved platform. Even then use  

  extreme caution:

  • Use a securely attached and approved  

    safety platform.

  • Make certain lifting mechanism is operating properly.

  • Have load backrest vertical (never tilt when elevated).

  • Make certain truck is in neutral and brake is applied.

  • Lift and lower slowly.

  • Watch for overhead obstructions.

  • Be sure you can see and hear the person being lifted.

  • Never transport anyone on the platform from one  

    location to another.


• Slow down when traveling on slippery roads or slippery surfaces.

• Avoid traveling in areas which are flooded or where there are bumps, holes, or  

  loose material that can cause the truck to tip or swerve.

• Do not drive your truck on soft ground, or on road shoulders which can be soft and  

  may collapse.

• Stay away from curbs, rails, and ditches.

• When entering buildings, check floor weight limits.


• Stay with your truck. Don't jump from a moving or  

  falling sit-down, counterbalanced truck.

• Stay away from the edge of docks and ramps.

• Check that bridgeplates and dockboards are secure.   

  Be certain that either the trailer wheels are chocked  

  or the trailer is locked to the dock. Check capacities.   

  Be sure your truck, with load, isn't too heavy for    

  where you are driving.

• Make sure the load you are moving is stable. Spread  

  the forks as far as you can and center the load. Insert  

  forks as far under the load as you can. Be even more  

  careful with long, tall, or wide loads. They can be  

  less stable.

• Use forward tilt only when you have the load in a  

  rack, over a stack or close to the floor. Use minimum  

  fork tilt to pick up or place a load. When lifting or  

  lowering outside a rack, keep the load backrest    

  vertical or tilted back slightly. 

• When moving loads on grades or ramps, drive with  

  your forks pointed upgrade. Without a load, drive  

  with forks downgrade. Slow down, and don't turn  

  on grades or ramps.

Detailed Information for Crown C-5 Pneumatic Tire Owner's Manual

Lists of information found in Crown C-5 Pneumatic Tire Owner's Manual - Page 19

  • Slow down.
  • Be careful that you don't pin or crush someone.
  • Watch out for power unit swing.
  • Never allow passengers on your truck.
  • Keep others away from your truck while you're working.
  • Don't let anyone use your truck unless they are trained and certified.
  • Never lift anyone with the forks unless they are using an approved platform.
  • Use a securely attached and approved safety platform.
  • Make certain lifting mechanism is operating properly.
  • Have load backrest vertical (never tilt when elevated).
  • Make certain truck is in neutral and brake is applied.
  • Lift and lower slowly.
  • Watch for overhead obstructions.
  • Be sure you can see and hear the person being lifted.
  • Never transport anyone on the platform from one location to another.
  • Slow down when traveling on slippery roads or slippery surfaces.
  • Avoid traveling in areas which are flooded or where there are bumps, holes, or loose material that can cause the truck to tip or swerve.
  • Do not drive your truck on soft ground, or on road shoulders which can be soft and may collapse.
  • Stay away from curbs, rails, and ditches.
  • When entering buildings, check floor weight limits.
  • Stay with your truck.
  • Stay away from the edge of docks and ramps.
  • Check that bridgeplates and dockboards are secure.
  • Make sure the load you are moving is stable.
  • Use forward tilt only when you have the load in a rack, over a stack or close to the floor.
  • When moving loads on grades or ramps, drive with your forks pointed upgrade.

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