DR - Relative direction ; DR [ run, rise ] [;] ; CP - Character plot - Page 348

Brother 1660e User Manual

2014 Dodge Charger SRT Owner Manual
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DR - Relative direction 

DR [ run, rise ] [;] 

run : X direction component 

rise : Y direction component 


A percentage of the distance in the X and Y directions between P1 and P2 is used as the units



Specifies the character plot direction. 


Values for the run and rise are clamped real numbers. 


The instruction is ignored when values for both run and rise are 0. 


When the parameter field is omitted,  the default value (horizontal direction) is used. 




rise = 60%



(0, 100)

(0, 100)

(100, 100)



CP - Character plot 

CP X,Y [;] 

X ; the number of text spaces the pen position is moved. 

Y ; the number of text lines the pen position is moved. 


Moves the cursor the specified number of characters. 


Values for X and Y are clamped real numbers. 


When the parameter field is omitted,  the cursor is not moved along the X-axis but it is moved 1 character in 
the negative direction along the Y-axis (identical to executing CP 0, -1;). 


X increment

Y increment

Current position



10 '*** CPEX *** 

20 LPRINT "DF;SP1;PA1000,3000;PDPR3000,0;PU;PR-3000,0;" 

30 LPRINT "CP5,.55;LBABOVE THE LINE";CHR$(3);"PA2000,3000;" 




60 END 


<Sample 85> 


SI - Set absolute character size 

SI [ width, height ] [;] 


 : the width in centimeters of printed characters 


 : the height in centimeters of printed characters 


Specifies the size of characters to be plotted. 


Values for 




 are clamped real numbers. 


When the parameter field is omitted,  the default values are used (


: 0.1879 cm, 


: 0.2690 cm). 


Detailed Information for Brother 1660e User Manual

Lists of information found in Brother 1660e User Manual - Page 348

  • 1.15;LBBELOW THE LINE";CHR$(13);CHR$(10);"AND WITH A NEAT";CHR$(3) 50 LPRINT "CP;LBMARGIN";CHR$(3) 60 END &lt;Sample 85&gt; SI - Set absolute character size SI [ width, height ] [;] width : the width in centimeters of printed characters height : the height in centimeters of printed characters • Specifies the size of characters to be plotted.
  • A percentage of the distance in the X and Y directions between P1 and P2 is used as the units • Specifies the character plot direction.
  • Values for the run and rise are clamped real numbers.
  • The instruction is ignored when values for both run and rise are 0.
  • When the parameter field is omitted, the default value (horizontal direction) is used.
  • Moves the cursor the specified number of characters.
  • Values for X and Y are clamped real numbers.
  • When the parameter field is omitted, the cursor is not moved along the X-axis but it is moved 1 character in the negative direction along the Y-axis (identical to executing CP 0, -1;).
  • Specifies the size of characters to be plotted.
  • Values for width and height are clamped real numbers.
  • When the parameter field is omitted, the default values are used ( width : 0.

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