I - 2
(Error Correction Mode) ... 1-19
Envelopes ......................... 1-13
Equalization .................... 10-12
Error messages on LCD ... 10-1
Comm. Error ................... 10-1
Ink Empty ....................... 10-2
Near Empty .................... 10-2
No Paper Fed .................10-2
Not Registered ........3-2, 10-2
Out of Memory ............... 10-3
Unable to Change .......... 10-3
Unable to Clean .............10-3
Unable to Init. .................10-3
Unable to Print ............... 10-3
Unable to Scan ............... 10-3
using ...............................A-14
connecting .......................A-17
Fax codes
changing ................. 6-3, A-16
Fax Receive Code ..........A-14
Remote Access Code ...... 6-3
Telephone Answer Code
Fax Detect ........................... 4-4
Fax Forwarding
changing remotely .....6-5, 6-6
programming a number ....6-1
Fax Storage ........................ 6-2
printing from memory ....... 4-7
turning on ......................... 6-2
Fax, stand-alone
receiving ........................... 4-1
at end of conversation ... 4-6
compatibility ...............10-12
difficulties .....................10-9
Fax Forwarding ..............6-5
from extension phone ... A-14
reducing to fit on paper ...4-6
retrieving from a remote
site ...............................6-6
Ring Delay, setting .........4-2
sending .............................3-1
at end of conversation ...3-5
automatic .......................3-4
Broadcasting ................3-11
cancelling from memory
colour fax .......................3-4
compatibility ...............10-12
contrast ..........................3-6
enter Fax mode ..............3-1
from memory
(Dual Access) ...............3-8
manual ...........................3-5
overseas ......................3-12
Real Time Transmission
resolution .......................3-7
Fax/Tel mode
phones ......................... A-14
(voice calls) .....................4-3
F/T Ring Time ...................4-3
Fax Receive Code ......... A-14
receiving faxes ............... A-15
Ring Delay ........................4-2
Telephone Answer Code
...................................... A-14
telephone calls ............... A-15
Gray scale ...................S-4, S-5
Groups for Broadcasting .....5-4