5. ENHANCE OUTPUT; 5.1. Set Render Algorithm; 5.2. Set Monochrome Mode- Page 152

Brother HL-5140 Command Reference Guide for Software Developers

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Technical Reference Guide
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Set Render Algorithm 


ESC*t#J (27)(42)(116)#(74)  <1Bh><2Ah><70h>#<4Ah> 

#  = 0 

Scatter dither 


= 1 

Snap to primaries 


= 2 

Snap black to white, all other colors to black 


= 3 * 

Scatter dither 


= 4 

Scatter dither 


= 5 

Monochrome device best dither 


= 6 

Monochrome scatter dither 


= 7 

Clustered dither 


= 8 

Monochrome clustered dither 


= 9 

User-defined dither 


= 10 

Monochrome user-defined dither 


= 11 

Scatter dither 


= 12 

Monochrome scatter dither 


= 13 

Scatter dither 


= 14 

Monochrome scatter dither 

* Default value = 3 


This command selects the halftone render algorithm. 

•  # = 1:


This does not use halftones.    For 8 bits/pixel, for instance, any value over 128 is 
transferred to 255, and any value under 127 is transferred to 0. 

•  # = 2:


This transfers black to white and other colors to black. 

•  # = 3:


This selects the scatter dither.    The scatter dither is the most crisp dither (device best 
dither) for the HL-2400C/Ce/3400CN/2600CN/3450CN/2700CN. 

•  # = 0, 4, 11, 13:

  These    show halftones using a dither method, which places dots in a dither pattern to 

make the special frequency higher. 

•  # = 7:


This shows halftones using a dither method, which enlarges dots from their center. 

•  # = 9:


This shows halftones using the dither which is specified by the 

Download Dither Matrix



•  # = 5, 6, 8, 10, 
12, 14, 1025:


This replaces the color value with gray scale data using the formula below; 
gray value = 0.30 x red + 0.59 x green + 0.11 x blue 




Set Monochrome Mode 


ESC&b#M (27)(38)(98)#(77)  <1Bh><26h><62h>#<4dh> 

#  = 0 * 

Monochrome mode off 


= 1 

Monochrome mode on 

* Default value = 0 


This command prints the color data by replacing it with gray scale data.   


This command replaces the color data with gray scale data using the formula below; 


gray value = 0.30 x red + 0.59 x green + 0.11 x blue 


This command should be sent before sending the data to be printed.    Failure to do so will cause the current 
page to be closed and printed.    This command may be sent on a page-by-page basis. 

Detailed Information for Brother HL-5140 Command Reference Guide for Software Developers

Lists of information found in Brother HL-5140 Command Reference Guide for Software Developers - Page 152

  • 1. Set Render Algorithm Command ESC*t#J (27)(42)(116)#(74) &lt;1Bh&gt;&lt;2Ah&gt;&lt;70h&gt;#&lt;4Ah&gt; # = 0 Scatter dither = 1 Snap to primaries = 2 Snap black to white, all other colors to black = 3 * Scatter dither = 4 Scatter dither = 5 Monochrome device best dither = 6 Monochrome scatter dither = 7 Clustered dither = 8 Monochrome clustered dither = 9 User-defined dither = 10 Monochrome user-defined dither = 11 Scatter dither = 12 Monochrome scatter dither = 13 Scatter dither = 14 Monochrome scatter dither * Default value = 3  This command selects the halftone render algorithm.
  • 5.2.
  • # = 1: This does not use halftones.
  • # = 2: This transfers black to white and other colors to black.
  • # = 3: This selects the scatter dither.
  • # = 0, 4, 11, 13: These show halftones using a dither method, which places dots in a dither pattern to make the special frequency higher.
  • # = 7: This shows halftones using a dither method, which enlarges dots from their center.
  • # = 9: This shows halftones using the dither which is specified by the Download Dither Matrix command.
  • # = 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 1025: This replaces the color value with gray scale data using the formula below; gray value = 0.

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