1. Make sure that your cartridge technicians thoroughly clean out the supply chamber of the toner cartridge.
2. In the event that they forget, and you have a shading cartridge. The toner must be completely cleaned out again (do not use the toner
over!!), and NEW fresh toner MUST be installed.
3. The drum unit has to be taken apart and cleaned out with emphasis on the cleaning brush area. This is a very simple process but very
necessary once contaminated.
How to run test pages, Printer trouble shooting as well as common cartridge problems will be covered at the end of this article.
Toner approved vacuum
Phillips Head Screwdriver
Small Common Screwdriver
Needle nose pliers
Brother 2030 Black Toner (90g)
Lint free cotton cloths
Toner magnet cloths
White Lithium Grease
© 2007 UniNet Imaging Inc. All Trademark names are property of their respective owners. Product brand names mentioned are intended to show compatibility only. UniNet Imaging does not guarantee or warrant downloaded information.
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