Edit; Select All; Redo (only for a layout document)- Page 101

Brother 3.1 User Manual

2014 Dodge Charger SRT Owner Manual

Table of Contents

background image



Selecting the [Undo] command in the [Edit] menu reverses the previous action performed.


Redo (only for a layout document)

Selecting the [Redo] command in the [Edit] menu reverses the previous Undo operation.



Selecting the [Cut] command in the [Edit] menu cuts the selected data (text or graphics) from
the layout area or database and stores it on the Clipboard.



Selecting the [Copy] command in the [Edit] menu copies the data (text or graphics) selected in
the layout area or database and stores it on the Clipboard. The selected data is left unchanged in
its original layout.



Selecting the [Paste] command in the [Edit] menu pastes the contents of the Clipboard. Data
can be placed on the Clipboard using either the [Cut] or [Copy] command.



You can cut or copy data in this application and paste it into another
application. In such a case, the paste operation produces a bitmap image.

Selecting the [Cut] or [Copy] command while text is selected copies the text
onto the Clipboard as plain text.


Selecting the [Clear] command in the [Edit] menu deletes the selected data (text or graphics)
from the layout area or database without storing it on the Clipboard.


Select All

Selecting the [Select All] command in the [Edit] menu selects all of the objects (text and
graphics) in the layout area or database.



Detailed Information for Brother 3.1 User Manual

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