Raster Command Reference
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About Raster Commands ············································································ 2
1. Printing Using Raster Commands ····························································· 3
Status information request ..................................................................... 21
Specify margin amount (feed amount) .................................................... 27
Switch dynamic command mode ............................................................ 28
Raster graphics transfer ........................................................................ 28
Print command with feeding ................................................................... 29
Print information command .................................................................... 30
Select compression mode ...................................................................... 31
Specify the page number in “cut each * labels” ....................................... 32
5.2 Error flow for USB connection (when feeding at the end of the page) ······················ 35
5.3 Error flow for USB connection (with a concurrent printing error such as end of tape)··· 36
5.5 Flow for setting serial connection baud rate (QL-710W / QL-720NW Only) ··············· 38
5.6 Normal flow for serial connection (QL-710W / QL-720NW Only) ···························· 39
5.7 Error flow for serial connection (QL-710W / QL-720NW Only) ······························· 40
5.8 Cleaning flow for serial connection (QL-710W / QL-720NW Only) ·························· 41
5.9 Normal Flow for Network (Standard TCP/IP port) Connection (QL-710W / QL-720NW
Appendix A: USB Specifications ································································· 43
Appendix B: Introducing the Brother Developer Center ·································· 44