Differences in the screen display according to the connection status of this unit; File Detail Display Area; SV-Manager Screen Configuration- Page 15

Brother SV-100B User Manual

2014 Dodge Charger SRT Owner Manual
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g SV-Man






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g SV-Man



SV-Manager Screen Configuration

Differences in the screen display according to the connection status of 
this unit

The SV-Manager can manage up to two units simultaneously.
When two units are connected, both units display in the Hierarchical Display Area.
The first unit connected to the PC displays at the top while the unit connected next displays 
between the library and the first unit.
When three or more units are connected, units connected after the second unit do not display.

Displays a list of unit-specific files.
The files display in order within the File Detail Area when read by this unit.
Each file displays the five items: [Title], [Creation date], [Bookmark], [Ratings], and [Accessed 
date]. Click the title line of each item to sort the files by the item's ascending or descending order.



Refers to the unit-specific file name.


Files that have been read by this unit display in a standard font, while unread files display in a 
bold font.

Creation date


Displays the date and time the unit-specific file was created from the source file.



Displays the number of "bookmarks" placed in the pages by the SV-Manager or unit. This 
column is left blank when "bookmarks" do not exist.



Displays the number of 


 rated by the SV-Manager or the unit. This column is left blank 

when a "Ratings" does not exist.

Accessed date


Displays the most recent date that this unit browsed the unit-specific file.

File Detail Display Area

When a unit-specific file is created from the source file, the unit-specific file name 
includes the original extension of the source file. The file name can be changed.

Not Connected to the Unit

One Unit Connected

Two Units Connected

Detailed Information for Brother SV-100B User Manual

Lists of information found in Brother SV-100B User Manual - Page 15

  • Refers to the unit-specific file name.
  • Files that have been read by this unit display in a standard font, while unread files display in a bold font.
  • Displays the date and time the unit-specific file was created from the source file.
  • Displays the number of "bookmarks" placed in the pages by the SV-Manager or unit.
  • Displays the number of ★ rated by the SV-Manager or the unit.
  • Displays the most recent date that this unit browsed the unit-specific file.

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