I - 4
Remote Retrieval ................ 6-4
access code .............. 6-3, 6-4
commands ....................... 6-5
getting your faxes ............ 6-6
Reports ............................... 7-1
Fax Journal ...................... 7-2
Journal Period ............... 7-2
Help List ........................... 7-3
how to print ...................... 7-3
Network Configuration ..... 7-3
Quick-Dial List ................. 7-3
Transmission Verification ... 7-1
User Settings ................... 7-3
XMIT Verify ...................... 7-3
copy ................................. S-3
fax (Standard, Fine,
SuperFine, Photo) .......... S-5
print .................................. S-7
scan ................................. S-6
setting for next fax ........... 3-6
Ring Delay, setting ............. 4-2
Safety Instructions ........ iii, 10-2
Date and Time ................. 2-1
Station ID (fax header)
entering text .................. 2-2
Shipping the machine ..... 11-19
changing .......................... 5-2
dialling ............................. 3-2
storing .............................. 5-1
device), external .........4-1, A-5
connecting ................ A-5, A-6
receive mode ................... 4-1
recording OGM ................A-7
Text, entering ....................B-12
special characters ..........B-13
Troubleshooting ................ 11-1
checking ink volume ..... 11-18
error messages on LCD ... 11-1
if you are having difficulty
Copying Difficulties .... 11-11
Handling Incoming
Calls ........................ 11-11
Network Difficulties .... 11-12
phone line .................. 11-13
Phone Line or
Connection .............. 11-10
Difficulties ................ 11-12
Printing ............... 11-8, 11-9
Printing Received
Faxes ......................... 11-9
Receiving Faxes ........ 11-10
Scanning Difficulties ... 11-11
Sending Faxes .......... 11-10
Software Difficulties ... 11-11
paper jam ....................... 11-5
print quality ................... 11-14
TX Lock ............................. 3-15
Volume, setting ................... 2-5
beeper .............................. 2-6
ring ................................... 2-5
speaker ............................ 2-6