Reloading using the FTP Protocol from a command prompt; Reloading using the FTP Protocol from a - Page 164

Brother MFC-8640D Network User's Guide

2014 Dodge Charger SRT Owner Manual

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Network User's Guide
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Netware GET from a server

You must have a Netware server on your network (running IPX/
SPX) and you must store the new firmware file in the SYS/Login 
directory of the server. In this case, your PC makes the Print/Fax 
server read the firmware data from the assigned Netware 
server, the Print/Fax server attaches to the Netware server and 
reads the firmware itself.

Reloading using the FTP Protocol from a 
command prompt

By specifying the Print/Fax server PASSWORD AS THE 
USERNAME when logging on, it becomes possible to upgrade the 
firmware of the Print/Fax server or printer (if supported). The 
following example assumes that the Print/Fax server password is 



ftp> open

Connected to

220 FTP print service:V-1.05/Use the network 

password for the ID if updating.

User ( cambridge

230 User cambridge logged in.

ftp> bin

200 Ready command OK.

ftp> hash

Hash mark printing on  ftp: (2048 bytes/hash mark) .

ftp> send brnt261.blf

200 Ready command OK.

150 Transfer Start







226 Data Transfer OK/Entering FirmWareUpdate mode.

ftp: 1498053 bytes sent in 8.52Seconds 


ftp> close

226 Data Transfer OK.

After sending firmware to the machine, do not turn off the 
machine until after the machine has performed an automatic 

Detailed Information for Brother MFC-8640D Network User's Guide

Lists of information found in Brother MFC-8640D Network User's Guide - Page 164

  • 1.05/Use the network password for the ID if updating.
  • 61.blf 200 Ready command OK.
  • 8.52Seconds 175.

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