ESC i L Apply/cancel rotated printing; ESC i C Specify cut setting- Page 68

Brother PT-9700PC ESC/ P Command Reference

2014 Dodge Charger SRT Owner Manual

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ESC i L  Apply/cancel rotated printing 

[ASCII]  ESC  i  L n 


27 105 76 n 


1B  69 4C n 


n=0 and 1 or 48 and 49 


Applies rotated printing to the text. 

If n=0 (or 30h), rotated printing is cancelled. 

If n=1 (or 31h), rotated printing is applied. 



ESC i C  Specify cut setting 

[ASCII]  ESC  i  C  n 


27 105  67 n 


1B  69  43 n 

[Parameters] 0




Specifies full cut, half cut, chain printing or special tape. 

The n parameter (1 byte) specifies all settings in bit units, as shown below. 

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0: Full cut 

1: Half cut 

2: Chain printing 

3: Special tape 

4: Not used 

5: Not used 

6: Not used 

7: Not used 

If bit 0 of parameter n is “1”, full cut is specified. If it is “0”, full cut is cancelled. 

If bit 1 of parameter n is “1”, half cut is specified. If it is “0”, half cut is cancelled. 

If bit 2 of parameter n is “1”, chain printing is applied. If it is “0”, chain printing is 

If bit 3 of parameter n is “1”, special tape is specified. If it is “0”, special tape is 

When special tape is specified, full cut, half cut and chain printing are not available 

(same as being cancelled). 

Detailed Information for Brother PT-9700PC ESC/ P Command Reference

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