Low Washer Fluid Warning Message
If your washer fluid is low, the warning message will
come on and stay on until you add washer fluid.
See Windshield Washer Fluid on page 5-32 for adding
washer fluid instructions.
If the warning message is still on after adding fluid, you
need to reset the warning message. To reset the
warning message, turn the ignition off and then back on.
If the message stays on, see your dealer right away.
Low Fuel Warning Message
If your fuel is low, the warning message will come on
and stay on until you add fuel.
If the warning message is still on after adding fuel, you
need to reset the warning message. To reset the
warning message, turn the ignition off and then back on.
If the message stays on, see your dealer.
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2003 - Rendezvous OM