message has been displayed, INFO will disappear from
the display until another new message is received.
The old message can be displayed by pressing
the INFO button until a new message is received or a
different station is tuned to.
TRAF (Traffic): TRAF will appear on the display if the
tuned station broadcasts traffic announcements. To
receive the traffic announcement from the tuned station,
press this button. Brackets will be displayed around
TRAF and when a traffic announcement comes on the
tuned radio station you will hear it.
If the current tuned station does not broadcast traffic
announcements, press this button and the radio
will seek to a station that does. When the radio finds a
station that broadcasts traffic announcements, it will
stop. Brackets will be displayed around TRAF and when
a traffic announcement comes on the tuned radio
station you will hear it. If no station is found, NO TRAF
will appear on the display.
Traffic Interrupt Feature: Your radio can interrupt the
play of a cassette, CD, or XM™ station. Press the
TRAF button. The radio will seek to a station that
broadcasts traffic announcements. When the radio finds
a station that broadcasts traffic announcements, it
will stop. Brackets around TRAF will appear on the
display. When a traffic announcement comes on
the station that was found, you will hear it. When the
traffic announcement is over, the radio will resume play
of the cassette, CD, or XM™ station. If no station is
found, NO TRAF will appear on the display.
Radio Messages
CAL (CALIBRATE): Your audio system has been
calibrated for your vehicle from the factory. If this
message appears on the display it means that your
radio has not been configured properly for your vehicle
and must be returned to the dealership for service.
2003 - Rendezvous OM