Shoulder Belt Tightness Adjustment- Page 21

1999 Buick Riviera Owner Manual

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2014 Dodge Charger SRT Owner Manual

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Shoulder Belt Tightness Adjustment

Your car has a shoulder belt tightness adjustment
feature. If the shoulder belt seems too tight, adjust it
before you begin to drive.

1. Sit well back in the seat.

2. Start pulling the shoulder belt out.

3. Just before it reaches the end, give it a quick pull.

4. Let the belt go back all the way. You should hear a

slight clicking sound. If you don’t, the adjustment
feature won’t set, and you’ll have to start again.

5. Now you can add a small amount of slack. Lean

forward slightly, then sit back. If you’ve added more
than 1 inch (25 mm) of slack, pull the shoulder belt
out as you did before and start again.

Detailed Information for 1999 Buick Riviera Owner Manual

Lists of information found in 1999 Buick Riviera Owner Manual - Page 21

  • 1. Sit well back in the seat.
  • 2. Start pulling the shoulder belt out.
  • 3. Just before it reaches the end, give it a quick pull.
  • 4. Let the belt go back all the way.
  • 5. Now you can add a small amount of slack.

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