Default value: 000000000; Default value: 000- Page 59

Brother PT-9700PC ESC/ P Command Reference

2014 Dodge Charger SRT Owner Manual

Table of Contents

Control command details
background image


characters that can be entered may decrease, depending on the characters that are used. 


2  When the symbol type is the structured carrier message, the service class, country 

code and postal code can be specified separately from the normal data. Specify each 

value, separated by a backslash and comma (\,), immediately before the normal data. 











When “\,” is not used three times, the data is written as shown in the following 



Example <






  Postal code = data1 

  Country code = data2 

  Service class = default value 


If a value other than those listed is entered for a parameter, that parameter is set to its 

default value. 

Postal code 
9 or less numerals, or 6 or 
less alphanumeric characters

Ignored when not structured carrier message. 

Default value: 000000000


Country code 

3 or less numerals 

Ignored when not structured carrier message. 

Default value: 000


Service class 

3 or less numerals 

Ignored when not structured carrier message. 

Default value: 000



* Note: 

If the postal code is specified as alphanumeric characters, characters other than 

those listed below are invalid. 

A~Z    “    #    $    %    &    ‘    (    )    *    +    ,    -    .    /    0~9    : 

However, lowercase letters (a~z) are converted to the valid uppercase letters (A~Z). 


  \\\: End of bar code 

      There must be three backslashes at the end of 2D bar codes. 

Detailed Information for Brother PT-9700PC ESC/ P Command Reference

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