8 - 5
If you have tried 1 to 4 above and it does not work, then reset the print/scan server back to the default
factory settings and try from the initial setup again. For information how to reset to the default factory
settings, see Restoring the network settings to factory default on page 3-8
Error during printing
If you try to print while other users are printing large amounts of data (e.g. many pages or color pages with
high resolution), the printer is unable to accept your print job until the ongoing printing is finished. If the waiting
time of your print job exceeds a certain limit, a time out situation occurs, which causes the error message. In
such situations, execute the print job again after the other jobs are completed.
Protocol-specific troubleshooting
98/98SE/Me and Windows NT
4.0 Peer-to-Peer print (LPR)
If you are having trouble printing on a Windows
98/98SE/Me, Windows NT
4.0 or later Peer-to-Peer
network (LPR method), check the following:
Make sure that the Brother LPR Port driver is correctly installed and configured according to the
98/98SE/Me or Windows NT
4.0 Peer-to-Peer chapters.
Try to turn the Byte Count on in the Configure port area of printer driver properties.
You may find that during the installation of BLP software, the screen that prompts you for a Port name is not
displayed. This may happen on some Windows
98/98SE/Me and Windows NT
4.0 computers. Press the
ALT and TAB keys to make it appear.