Battery fluid is a corrosive acid solution and can
burn or even blind you. Do not allow battery fluid to
contact your eyes, skin, or clothing. Do not lean over
a battery when attaching clamps. If acid splashes in
eyes or on skin, flush the area immediately with
large amounts of water. Refer to “Jump Starting
Procedure” in “In Case Of Emergency” for further
Battery gas is flammable and explosive. Keep flame
or sparks away from the battery. Do not use a booster
battery or any other booster source with an output
greater than 12 Volts. Do not allow cable clamps to
touch each other.
Battery posts, terminals, and related accessories con-
tain lead and lead compounds. Wash hands after
It is essential when replacing the cables on the
battery that the positive cable is attached to the
positive post and the negative cable is attached to the
negative post. Battery posts are marked positive (+)
and negative (-) and are identified on the battery
case. Cable clamps should be tight on the terminal
posts and free of corrosion.
If a “fast charger” is used while the battery is in the
vehicle, disconnect both vehicle battery cables before
connecting the charger to the battery. Do not use a
“fast charger” to provide starting voltage.
An authorized dealer has the qualified service personnel,
special tools, and equipment to perform all service opera-
tions in an expert manner. Service Manuals are available
which include detailed service information for your ve-
hicle. Refer to these Service Manuals before attempting any
procedure yourself.
Intentional tampering with emissions control sys-
tems may void your warranty and could result in civil
penalties being assessed against you.