Radio FM
To switch to the FM band, say “FM” or “Radio FM.” In this
mode, you may say the following commands:
“Frequency #” (to change the frequency)
“Next Station” (to select the next station)
“Previous Station” (to select the previous station)
“Menu Radio” (to switch to the radio menu)
“Main Menu” (to switch to the main menu)
Satellite Radio
To switch to satellite radio mode, say “Sat” or “Satellite Radio.”
In this mode, you may say the following commands:
“Channel Number” (to change the channel by its spoken
“Next Channel” (to select the next channel)
“Previous Channel” (to select the previous channel)
“List Channel” (to hear a list of available channels)
“Select Name” (to say the name of a channel)
“Menu Radio” (to switch to the radio menu)
“Main Menu” (to switch to the main menu)
Disc Mode
To switch to the disc mode, say “Disc.” In this mode, you
may say the following commands:
“Track” (#) (to change the track)
“Next Track” (to play the next track)
“Previous Track” (to play the previous track)
“Main Menu” (to switch to the main menu)
USB Mode
To switch to USB mode, say “USB.” In this mode, you may
say the following commands:
“Next Track” (to play the next track)
“Previous Track” (to play the previous track)
“Play” (to play an Artist Name, Playlist Name, Album
Name, Track Name, etc.)
Bluetooth Streaming (BT) Mode
To switch to Bluetooth Streaming (BT) mode, say
“Bluetooth Streaming.” In this mode, you may say the
following commands:
“Play” (to play the current track)
“Pause” (to pause the current track)