If You Are Having Difficulty with Your FAX/MFC; Printing or Receiving Faxes; Condensed Print and Horizontal Streaks; Top and Bottom of Sentences Cut Off- Page 88

Brother 580MC User Manual

2014 Dodge Charger SRT Owner Manual

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Message Center
Troubleshooting and Routine Maintenance
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13 - 4

      T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G   A N D   R O U T I N E   M A I N T E N A N C E

The number you called does not answer or is busy. 
You may also have reached a number not 
connected to a fax. Check the number and call 

You’ve tried accessing a One Touch or Speed Dial 
location with no number assigned to it. See pages 
7-1 to 7-2 for information about storing One 
Touch or Speed Dial numbers.

The print head has overheated. Unplug the FAX/
MFC and wait 30 minutes for it to cool.

The top cover is not closed completely.

If You Are Having Difficulty with Your FAX/MFC

If you think there is a problem with your FAX/MFC, make a copy first. If the copy 
looks good, the problem is probably not your FAX/MFC. Check the difficulties below 
and follow the troubleshooting tips.

Printing or Receiving Faxes

Condensed Print and Horizontal Streaks; 
Top and Bottom of Sentences Cut Off

If your copy looks good, you probably had a bad connection, with static or 
interference on the phone line. If the copy looks bad, call Brother Customer 
Service at 1-800-284-4329 (USA), 1-800-853-6660 (from within Canada) or 
1-514-685-6464 (from within Montreal).

Vertical Black Lines When Receiving

The sender’s scanner may be dirty. Ask the sender to make a copy to see if the 
problem is with the sending machine. Try receiving from another fax machine. 
If the problem continues, call Brother Customer Service at 1-800-284-4329 
(USA), 1-800-853-6660 (from within Canada) or 1-514-685-6464 (from within 

Phone Line or Connections

FAX/MFC Does Not Answer When Called

Make sure the FAX/MFC is in the correct receiving mode for your setup (either 
FAX, FAX/TEL or TAD). Check for dial tone. If possible, call your FAX/MFC 
to hear it answer. If there is still no answer, check the telephone line cord 
connection. (See Connecting the Machine, page 2-4 and Connect the telephone 
.)  Connect a standard telephone handset to the FAX/MFC telephone jack. 
If there is no ringing when you call your FAX/MFC, call your Telephone 
Company to check the line.

N O   R E S P O N S E / B U S Y

N O T   R E G I S T E R E D

P R I N T E R   F A U L T

T O P   C O V E R   O P E N

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