Your wheels are susceptible to deterioration caused by salt,
sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride,
etc., and other road chemicals used to melt ice or control
dust on dirt roads. Use a soft cloth or sponge and mild soap
to wipe away promptly. Do not use harsh chemicals or a
stiff brush. They can damage the wheel’s protective coating
that helps keep them from corroding and tarnishing.
Avoid products or automatic car washes that use acidic
solutions or strong alkaline additives or harsh brushes.
Many aftermarket wheel cleaners and automatic car
washes may damage the wheel’s protective finish.
Such damage is not covered by the New Vehicle
Limited Warranty. Only car wash soap, Mopar Wheel
Cleaner or equivalent is recommended.
When cleaning extremely dirty wheels including excessive
brake dust, care must be taken in the selection of tire and
wheel cleaning chemicals and equipment to prevent dam-
age to the wheels. Mopar Wheel Treatment or Mopar
Chrome Cleaner or their equivalent is recommended or
select a non-abrasive, non-acidic cleaner for aluminum or
chrome wheels.
Do not use scouring pads, steel wool, a bristle brush,
metal polishes or oven cleaner. These products may
damage the wheel’s protective finish. Such damage is
not covered by the New Vehicle Limited Warranty.
Only car wash soap, Mopar Wheel Cleaner or equiva-
lent is recommended.
If you intend parking or storing your vehicle for an
extended period after cleaning the wheels with wheel
cleaner, drive your vehicle and apply the brakes to remove
the water droplets from the brake components. This activ-
ity will remove the red rust on the brake rotors and prevent
vehicle vibration when braking.
Dark Vapor Chrome, Black Satin Chrome, or Low Gloss
Clear Coat Wheels
If your vehicle is equipped with these specialty
wheels, DO NOT USE wheel cleaners, abrasives, or
polishing compounds. They will permanently damage
this finish and such damage is not covered by the New